Chciałbym Wam przybliżyć dość ciekawą Stronkę. Strona ta istnieje już ponad pół roku.
Nie wiem czy płaci bo za bardzo nie szukałem dowodów wypłat,ale myślę że tak.
Minimum jest dość niskie bo tylko 10 centów (paypal)
1$ (alertPay), ale samotny zarobek jest dość mizerny

Serwis ten płaci za codzienne raz zalogowanie się i wystarczy poświęcić parę -naście sekund raz dziennie. Za logowanie się dostajemy śmieszną kwotę 0.00040$ i ,ale powiem Wam że haczyk Tkwi szczegółach a tzn. w systemie poleconych a dokładnie jest 10 poziomów programu, aby zwiększyć swoje zarobki w postępie geometrycznym, w którym można zarobić 10% na każdym poziomie.
I w dodatku wszystko jest za free, a jeśli co niektórzy obawiają się spamów na ich pocztę to mogą być spokojni serwis ten nic nie wysyła jedynie jeden e-mail dostałem po zarejestrowaniu się o takiej treści:
To make money with paidtologin is quite simple just:publish your referral link
in your mail or forum signature and people will join under you and you'll earn
10% of their revenue. Of course there are many others ways to promote it as
article marketing, PPC campaigns, paid banner impressions, social networking
and many others. Everytime you login into paidtologin you get paid and you can
see the results of your efforts and withdraw your earnings. It's so simple

The earning potential given by paidtologin is unlimited because you earn the 10% on every person is in your downline made of 10 levels. Just think if you refer 4 people and each one do the same then you earn the 10% on 1048576, this number is simply get multiplying 4 by itself for 10 times.
1048576 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4.
But in this way we are considering only the 10th level so we have to add the people referred on the other levels and we'll have 4 multiplied by itself for 9 times, 8 times until 1 and all they added together give 1398100 people. If each of them earn only 0,012$ per month then you earn the 10% of
1677$ = 10% of 1398100 people x 0,012$ (0,012 = 0,0004 per 30 days = 1 month).
Wszystko co musimy zrobić to najpierw zalogować się oraz Click The Green Circle to Submit
Czyli kliknąć w zielone kropki 2 razy dziennie jedną przy logowaniu a drugą przy naszej Tabeli z poleconymi,zarobkiem raz linkiem ref.,oraz promować promować....
i nie musicie klikać w linki reklamowe czy też uruchamiać żadnych surfbarów etc Prawda że proste??
Zainteresowani?? Możemy także zrobić piramidę jak ktoś ma jakiś pomysł lub problemy niech pisze gg 1679945
Polecam inne moje stronki gdzie można całkiem całkiem zarobić

Link do rejestracji
- Just login daily and earn $0.001 per day

- Payout: Minimum $0.01 to LR and $1 to Paypal/Payza
- Earn from downline down to 10 levels
- Can earn up to $3145.76 per month, just get 4 refs, all 4 refs login everyday and all refs get 4 refs under him
- Easy to earn, just login once a day, no miss out!!!
Moja wypłaty
Ps. nie dostajemy żadnego linka potwierdzającego rejestrację możemy od razu się zalogować
Obecnie można więcej zarobić!!! oraz za każde logowanie dostajemy za darmo reklamę
Yes, is a totally free money making and... ADVERTISING... system.
Yes, because right now you can set up for FREE your banner campaign with which
you can promote a website of your choice that can be your or the one you are
affiliate with. Setting up a banner campaign is free, while for the impressions
you have only to login daily as this will earn you credits to use for your banner
and money that will be stored in your account. Remember to login once a day but
no multiple times in the same day because only 1 impressions and only 1 time you
will be paid in the same day. Remember also to click on the GET PAID button to
have your credits and money accredited.
The second news that i give you is that each time you login will be paid more
since now, each login of yours now will be paid .0005$ that can seem really low
but if you login 365 times/year then you can do 0.1825$ and if your referral do
the same you will earn 0.01825$ on him, if you refer 4 people that refer 4 people
until the tenth level than you have nearly 1.500.000 of people that multiplied by
0.01825 gives you 27375$ per year namely 2281$ per month just by logging in and
referring other people. Remember once again to press the GET PAID button after
you login to get accredited on your account money and impressions.
Back to banner campaign by logging in daily you can accumulate 365 banner impressions
per year, this means that if 5 of 100 people click on your banner than you have
15 people visiting your website and if you offer a free money making opportunity
that one of them surely will register. But what if you design a cathing eye banner
maybe with some nice animation ? Then instead of 5 people you'll get more people
visiting your website, some banners have a CTR of 20% and more. This can be a
good start to promote your program.
What about in the future ? will be always more a promoting tool
alongwith the money making potential that it offers. In fact you will be able to
turn your earnings into visits ( each visit will cost you 0.001$ ) and so you'll
be able to drive always more people to the websites and programs you are promoting.
Promoting will grow your downline and this will means always more
money that you can use to realize your dreams and to pay your advertising on You will be updated when this feature is ready.
I would like to introduce you to quite an interesting Site. This site is already more than half a year.
I do not know if you pay too much not because I was looking for evidence of withdrawal, but I think so.
Minimum is quite low as only $ 1, but the salary is quite lonely miserable:)
This service pays for the daily log and time enough to spend a couple-teen seconds once a day. The log we get ridiculous amount of $ 0.00040 and, but I will tell you that the hook lies in the details and that is a system of referrals is exactly 10 levels of the program to increase your earnings exponentially, where you can earn 10% on every level.
And besides, everything is for free, and if what some fear for their e-mail spam can be assured that this service did not send just one email I got after signing up with such content:
Make money with it is quite simple paidtologin just: Publish your referral link
in your email or forum signature and people will join under you and you'll earn
10% of Their Revenue. Of course there are many others ways to Promote it as
article marketing, PPC campaigns, paid banner impressions, social networking
and many others. Everytime you login into paidtologin you get paid and you can
see the results of your Efforts and withdraw your earnings. It's so simple: o)
The earning Potential is given by paidtologin unlimited Because You earn the 10% on every person in your downline is made of 10 levels. Just think if you Refer 4 people and they each for the same then you earn the 10% on 1048576, this number is simply get multiplying 4 by itself for 10 times.
1048576 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
But in this way we are considering only the 10th level so the have to add the people on the other referred levels and we'll have 4 multiplied by itself for 9 times, 8 times until one and all They added together give 1,398,100 people. If each of Them earn only $ 0.012 per month then you earn the 10% of $ 16,777.2.
$ 1677 = 10% of 1,398,100 people x 0.012 $ (0.012 = 0.0004 per 30 days = 1 month).
All we do is first log on and click the Green Circle Submit
So click on the green dots 2 times a day one at login and the other at our table with registered post, once the link ref earnings. And promote promote .... and you do not have to click on advertising links, or run any surfbar
Hi everyone, i'm PaidtoLogin's Administrator and i want to thank everyone for making this website a success because without you this would be impossible, anyway i planned important changes that are active right now. First change is to lower the minimum payout, on alertpay will be aways 1$ because alertpay doesn't provide the possibility to send smaller payment while on paypal the minimum will be just 0.1$ ( yes, 10 cents of dollar). I know that is not easy to reach that amount but since today will be easier since PaidtoLogin will not pay you just to login but also to promote it. Yes, you will get 1 cent for each 1000 visitors you send to PaidtoLogin through your referral url. Payments will not be automatic but processed in max 24 hours, i chose this because it's the only way i have to protect this website from frauds.
I know that 1 cent for 1000 visitors will not make you rich but it's better than zero and also, depending on the results, it could be increased in the future. I chose to set this option because through Google Analytics ( free and excellent service ) i have seen many of you promoting PaidtoLogin and though it's true that each one promotes its referral url to get referrals and get compensated when gets them it's also true that rewarding who does this is a good choice that will be a source of benefits for the site itself but also for each one of you that promotes honestly this business opportunity. The paid to promote opportunity doesn't change nothing as your first goal should be to get referrals and not to send visitors otherwise the site should be called PaidtoPromote instead of PaidtoLogin but at the same time knowing the fact that your efforts are rewarded is an incentive to keep the good work you are doing.
Said this, it's also important to quote the fact that the traffic you send will be analyzed and if it's of extremely poor quality will not be counted, let's explain it better: there are many ways to produce fake traffic but everyone knows that fake traffic doesn't produce the results that real traffic produces, so by this simple criteria is possible to ascertain the quality of the traffic you are sending and when it will be extremely low you will be notified to change the promoting strategy you are using since it has no sense that you are engaging in something that makes you wasting time and energy and that doesn't produce results. Don't worry excessively about it, it's a while that i'm analyzing the traffic you are sending and you are producing indeed good results so keep this way and we will keep earning together. I want to end this talk with a picture ( Image: Bernie Condon / ) that represents how our success is determined by the good work of each one of us.
Witam wszystkich, jestem Administrator PaidtoLogin i chcę podziękować wszystkim za przeprowadzenie tej stronie internetowej sukces, bo bez ciebie byłoby to niemożliwe, tak i planowanych istotnych zmian, które są aktywne w tej chwili. Pierwsza zmiana jest obniżenie minimalnej wypłaty na AlertPay będzie wynos 1 $ AlertPay ponieważ nie zapewnia możliwość wysyłania mniejszych płatności podczas paypal minimalna będzie zaledwie 0,1 $ (tak, 10 centów z dolara). Wiem, że nie jest łatwe do osiągnięcia tej kwoty, ale od dzisiaj będzie łatwiej, ponieważ PaidtoLogin nie będzie można płacić tylko do logowania, ale również do promowania go. Tak, otrzymasz 1 cent za każde 1000 odwiedzających wysłać do PaidtoLogin za pośrednictwem url skierowania. Płatności nie będą automatyczne, ale przetwarzane w max 24 godzin, i wybrali to, ponieważ tylko w ten sposób i mają na celu ochronę tej stronie od oszustów.
Wiem, że 1 cent za 1000 odwiedzin nie będzie bogaty, ale lepiej niż zero, a także, w zależności od wyników, może zostać zwiększona w przyszłości. Wybrałem ustawić tę opcję, ponieważ przez Google Analytics (darmowe i doskonałą obsługę) i widziałem wielu z was promowanie PaidtoLogin i choć prawdą jest, że każdy promuje swoje url skierowanie do uzyskania skierowania i uzyskać odszkodowanie, gdy one wystąpią prawdą jest również, że nagradzanie, którzy nie jest to dobry wybór, który będzie źródłem korzyści dla strony, ale również dla każdego z was, który promuje szczerze to możliwości biznesowych. Wypłacane na rzecz możliwości nie zmienia nic w swoim pierwszym celem powinno być dostanie skierowań i nie wysyłać odwiedzających inaczej miejscu powinien być nazywany PaidtoPromote zamiast PaidtoLogin ale jednocześnie wiedząc, że twoje wysiłki są nagradzane jest zachętą utrzymanie dobrej pracy robisz.
Powiedział, jest to również ważne, aby przytoczyć fakt, że co wysłane zostaną przeanalizowane i jeśli jest to jakość bardzo słaba, nie zostaną uwzględnione, wyjaśnijmy to lepiej: istnieje wiele sposobów, do produkcji fałszywych ruchu, ale każdy wie, że fałszywy ruch nie robi 't produkcji wynika, że ??prawdziwym ruchu produkuje, więc przez ten prosty kryteriów jest możliwe ustalenie, jakość ruchu są wysyłane i kiedy będzie bardzo niska zostaniesz powiadomiony zmienić promowanie strategii używasz, gdyż nie ma sensie, że angażują się w coś, co sprawia, że ??marnowanie czasu i energii, i że nie przyniesie rezultatów. Nie martw się zbytnio o to, że jest to jednocześnie, że jestem analizy ruchu wysyłania i tworzysz naprawdę dobre wyniki, więc warto w ten sposób i nadal będziemy zarabiać razem